Further Assistance
While First Community Housing is dedicated to housing initiatives, please note we do not assist in locating housing. For inquiries related to waitlists or rental details, please contact the property you're interested in directly. Unfortunately, we do not offer rental assistance. We are not Social Services. If you are in need of government assistance, please go to: Santa Clara Social Service.
Depending on your situation, some of the links below will be more helpful than others, but the list contains lots of information about affordable housing in the Bay Area:
SMC Housing Search covers all affordable housing in San Mateo County.
Housing Authority of the County of Santa Clara: 408-275-8770. Info on Section 8 eligibility and apartment listings.
City of San Jose Housing Search Portal: Click Here
If you have a Section 8 voucher, search for housing at Go Section 8. Also, check out the U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) website.
Public Housing listing site for San Jose, CA
The City of San Jose Housing Dept: Here
Sutter Health Palo Alto Medical Foundation – Housing and food information
Affordable Housing Online offers listings throughout the US
Craigslist apartment listings for the Bay Area
It's a good idea to apply to as many non-profit housing organizations as possible.
Nonprofit Housing Association of Northern California: 415-989-8160 | www.nonprofithousing.org
Charities Housing: 408-550-8300 | http://charitieshousing.org/
EAH Housing: 415-258-1800 | http://www.eahhousing.org/
Mid-Peninsula Housing: 650-356-2900 | http://www.midpen-housing.org/
Helplink: 800-273-6222
Call market-rate apartment complexes listed on sites like rent.com and ask about income restricted units. Often market-rate developments have units set aside for low-income tenants.
The following FCH properties provide housing that sets aside units for special populations for the developmentally disabled, the chronically ill, and consumers of mental health services. These units are generally filled through the potential tenant's case worker or service provider (like Housing Choices Coalition), but you may call and inquire about availability.
Bay Avenue Senior Apartments at 831-464-6435 --- For ages 55 and over​
109 senior, low-income housing units, with 34 units reserved for chronically ill seniors and 5 for consumers of mental health services.
Casa Feliz Studios at 408-516-4776
60 single resident occupancy (SRO) low-income housing units, with 21 units set aside for the developmentally disabled.
Curtner Studios at 408-265-4249
179 studio units, with 27 units set aside for consumers of mental health services.
Fourth Street Apartments at 831-438-5725
100 multi-family units of low-income housing with 35 units set aside for the developmentally disabled.
Gish Apartments at 408-436-8972
35 multi-family, low-income housing units, with 13 units set aside for the developmentally disabled.
It's a good idea to apply to as many non-profit housing organizations as possible.
Nonprofit Housing Association of Northern California: 415-989-8160 | www.nonprofithousing.org
Charities Housing: 408-550-8300 | http://charitieshousing.org/
EAH Housing: 415-258-1800 | http://www.eahhousing.org/
Mid-Peninsula Housing: 650-356-2900 | http://www.midpen-housing.org/
Helplink: 800-273-6222
All consumers of Mental Health Services come to us through their County case manager.
The U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) offers programs and approved counseling agencies, and may provide financial assistance: 800-569-4287 | http://www.hud.gov/apps/section8/index.cfm.
Contact Independent Living Centers (ILC) in the area: http://www.ilusa.com/links/ilcenters.html
Find Help (Find food assistance, help paying bills, and other free or reduced cost programs, including new programs for the COVID-19 pandemic): https://www.findhelp.org/
Housing Authority - Section 8: 408-275-8770 | https://www.scchousingauthority.org/contact/
Sacred Heart Community Services: 408-278-2160 | http://www.sacredheartcs.org/
Salvation Army of Santa Clara County: 408-282-1165 ~or~ 211 | http://www.salvationarmysiliconvalley.net/
Rent & Deposit: Individuals and Families may be eligible for assistance with past due rent or move in costs if they live in one of the following zip codes: 95013, 95037, 95119, 95120, 95121, 95122, 95123, 95127, 95132, 95135, 95137, 95138, 95139, 95141, 95148, 95192, 95193 - If you do not fall under one of the zip codes mentioned above please call "211" for the agency servicing your area.
St. Vincent de Paul SCC: 408-249-2853
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF): https://www.hhs.gov/programs/index.html
Although we cannot place individuals directly from our office, hopefully you’ll find some useful information in the list of links below on affordable housing in the Bay Area.
For Santa Cruz County, contact the Housing Authority of the County of Santa Cruz: 831-454-9455 | http://www.hacosantacruz.org/
For Santa Clara County, contact The Housing Authority of the County of Santa Clara: 408-275-8770 | www.hacsc.org -- this website has info on Section 8 eligibility as well as apartment listings.
If you already have a Section 8 voucher, you can search for housing at www.GoSection8.com.
Check The U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) website: http://www.hud.gov/apps/section8/index.cfm.
Apartment Smart and Affordable Housing Online offers affordable housing listings throughout the US: http://www.apartmentsmart.com/ | www.affordablehousingonline.com
The City of San Jose Housing Department: 408-535-3860
Check www.rent.com and see what’s available
When you call an apartment complex manager, be sure to ask about income restricted units. Very often, market-rate developments have 20% or more of their units set aside for low-income tenants.
It's a good idea to apply to as many non-profit housing organizations as possible.
Nonprofit Housing Association of Northern California: 415-989-8160 | www.nonprofithousing.org
Charities Housing: 408-550-8300 | http://charitieshousing.org/
EAH Housing: 415-258-1800 | http://www.eahhousing.org/
Mid-Peninsula Housing: 650-356-2900 | http://www.midpen-housing.org/
Helplink: 800-273-6222
Here's some information on homeless resources:
​City of San Jose Housing: https://www.sanjoseca.gov/your-government/departments/housing
Family Supportive Housing: http://www.familysupportivehousing.org/
Housing Authority (Section 8 questions): 408-275-8770
LifeMoves: https://www.lifemoves.org/
Palo Alto Housing Group: 650-321-9709
Sacred Heart Community Services: 408-278-2160
Sobrato Family Living Center (Emergency housing): 408-855-8506
HomeFirst: https://www.homefirstscc.org/
United Way (connects people with community services): https://uwba.org/
United Way Helpline: 800-273-6222 -- toll free
Resources on how to find work:​
CalWORKS: 408-491-6300 | http://www.sccgov.org/portal/site/ssa
NOVA CONNECT (Employment, education, training and support services): 408-730-7232 | www.novaworks.org
​ProMatch (Career resource, assistance with job search): 408-736-2391 | www.promatch.org
Work2Future: 408-846-1480 | www.work2future.biz
Find Housing
Although we cannot place individuals directly from our office, hopefully you’ll find some useful information in the list of links below on affordable housing in the Bay Area.
Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County
Emergency housing and utility assistance
Charities Housing
City of San Jose, Dept. of Housing
Cupertino Community Service
Emergency housing and utility assistance
Family & Children Services
San Jose: 408-292-9353
Palo Alto: 650-326-6576
Family Supportive Housing
Emergency Shelter
Find Help
Food assistance, help paying bills, and other free or reduced cost programs, including programs for the COVID-19 pandemic
Home First
Parks, Recreation & Neighborhood Services
Community and housing information for San Jose
Sacred Heart
Emergency housing and utility assistance
Salvation Army
Emergency housing and utility assistance
Santa Clara Social Services
Information and referrals for county programs and services
Silicon Valley Independent Living Center
Free monthly list of low-income waitlist properties and educational workshops
St. Vincent DePaul
Emergency housing and utility assistance
Sutter Health Palo Alto Medical Foundation
Housing and food information
United Way
Connects people with community services
First Community Housing has four senior apartment complexes, please call them to inquire about their waiting list, rents, and eligibility:
Craig Gardens Senior Apartments at 408-559-1907 | Japantown Senior Apartments at 408-573-7924
Bay Avenue Senior Apartments at 831-464-6435 | Salinas Gateway Senior Apartments at 831-754-8926
Search the City of San Jose Housing Dept.'s listing of affordable housing: Here
Contact the Council on Aging: Here. Phone: 707-525-0143
Check Senior Housing Net: 800-978-7368 | http://www.seniorhousingnet.com/
Another senior resource is the Heart of the Valley, Resources to help seniors to remain independent: 408-241-1571 | http://www.servicesforseniors.org/
For SSI contact the National Academy of Social Insurance, Medicare, social security, workers compensation: 202-452-8097 | www.nasi.org
Check Christian Church Homes senior housing: 510-632-6712 | http://www.cchnc.org/
Here's a listing of the affordable housing available in San Mateo County: www.SMCHousingSearch.org
For Santa Cruz County, contact The Housing Authority: 831-454-9455 | http://www.hacosantacruz.org/
For information on senior services in Santa Cruz County, please look up the Seniors Council at: 831-688-0400 | http://seniorscouncil.org/ and Senior Network Services at: 831-462-1433 | http://www.seniornetworkservices.org/
For Santa Clara County, contact The Housing Authority of the County of Santa Clara: 408-275-8770 | http://www.scchousingauthority.org/ -- this website has info on Section 8 eligibility as well as apartment listings
If you already have a Section 8 voucher, you can search for housing at www.GoSection8.com. Also, check The U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) website: http://www.hud.gov/apps/section8/index.cfm
It's a good idea to apply to as many non-profit housing organizations as possible.
Nonprofit Housing Association of Northern California: 415-989-8160 | www.nonprofithousing.org
Charities Housing: 408-550-8300 | http://charitieshousing.org/
EAH Housing: 415-258-1800 | http://www.eahhousing.org/
Mid-Peninsula Housing: 650-356-2900 | http://www.midpen-housing.org/
Helplink: 800-273-6222
Check www.rent.com and see what’s available -- be sure to ask about income restricted units. Very often, market-rate developments have 20% or more of their units set aside for low-income tenants
For other services, go to www.helpscc.org