Gish Apartments
35 East Gish Road, San Jose, CA 95112​
Office: 408-436-8972
Fax: 408-452-7889
Email: gishapts@jsco.net
Application Criteria
This Community is Income Restricted. Average income of the households may not exceed the maximum income limits for the property’s program. Please speak with the Property Manager for specific information regarding these income limits. Rents are subject to change.
Income Restrictions (County Based-Subject to change with published allowable limits)
Percentage of
Area Median
Income (AMI)
Number of People
2 Persons
1 Person
3 Persons
4 Persons
5 Persons
6 Persons
7 Persons
Property Information:
Third party income verifications will be required from all income and asset sources.
Prior years’ income tax returns may be required as supporting documentation.
Income is calculated based on the applicant’s expected annual gross income including income from assets.
Criminal Background and Credit checks also apply.
For developmentally disabled applicants, please visit http://www.housingchoices.org for information on eligibility, requirements, how to get an application and for answers to any other questions you may have about the process.
For all other applicants, please apply for the waitlist here.
Rent Rates (Depending on income and unit type)
1 Bedroom/1 bath (600± Sq. Ft.)
2 Bedrooms/1 bath (850± Sq. Ft.)
3 Bedrooms/2 baths (1,100± Sq. Ft.)
Must earn two times the rent. (Subject to change with published allowable limits)​
On-Site Manager & Maintenance Staff
Laundry facility
Community Room/Lounge with kitchenette
Computer lab
Play structure
Picnic tables and benches
Each unit wired for internet access
“Green,” non-toxic interior finishes and materials
Energy Star
Gish Affordable Apartments is centrally located on the corner of 1st and Gish with convenient access to 880, the airport, public transportation, shops and restaurants. The apartments complex includes on-site laundry facilities, computer lab with internet access, free Wi-Fi throughout the building, landscaped outdoor space and many more amenities. In order to qualify to be a resident, there are minimum and maximum rent limits based on the county's median income as detailed within the applicant criteria page.
Green Features
Photovoltaic electricity generation for common area use
Energy-Star appliances
Fluorescent light fixtures
Low-flow water fixtures
Linoleum and recycled content carpet
No VOC/no formaldehyde cabinets
Low emitting paints, adhesives, sealants
Non-formaldehyde batt insulation
Recycled content interior trim and baseboard
Recycled content metal siding
Energy-efficient, fiberglass windows
Engineered structural lumber
Sustainable harvest teak site benches and lobby furniture
Reflective roof to reduce urban heat island effect
Transit-oriented location adjacent to bus and light rail
Free transit or Eco Pass